WOW!! I thought I was having a nightmare last night when I heard of how this School Committee meeting went. This is really nothing but "political tactfulness"! Here is what I think...A SCHOOL IS NOT GOING TO BE CLOSED!!! There are now many scenarios that are on the table:
Scenario #1: Bonfanti knows that Gamache is in trouble in ward 5, this leaves the floor open for Gamache to be a hero and speak out in the future and stop the closing of a school in his hero!
Scenario #2: It seemed to me that there was a bit of "good cop vs. bad cop" between Bonfanti and McGeney, this could really set up McGeney for a mayoral run with the mayor's backing!!
Scenario #3: Bonfanti is planning on running again and he could increase his vote count by stopping the closure after hyping it all up.
And here is a big question...WHERE WAS TED BETTENCOURT?
Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!