What to expect in 2011! A top ten list, if you will, in my opinion what we all have in store for the new year!
1.) The last term of Mike "The Demolisher" Bonfanti! With the mid-term speech and hoopla that goes with it, it is expected that Bonfanti will announce his decision to not re-seek office in the up-coming November election. Spending more time with his family being his reasoning behind his decision.
2.) Anne Dean Martin Manning is ushered in as the new City Council President, this should be a very interesting challenge for "The Demolisher", as Manning does not get along with the mayor and has no bones about standing up to him!
3.) The announcement that Ted Bettencourt will seek the position of Mayor, this announcement will more than likely be pasted all over the Salem Evening News and The Peabody Weekly by the end of the second week in January.
3.) Another candidate for Mayor emerges from behind the shadows...Dave "The Rat" Gravel will announce his decision to seek the highest elected official seat in the city touting his fast action to nothing accomplished by the end of his tenure as City Council President in regards to the re-zoning. Also the elimination of health insurance to all elected officials being a goal of his as "Mayor". (something he collected for several years and now receives as pension.)
4.) Moving into the spring months, "The Demolisher" will announce the closing of the McCarthy school in ward 5. This time he slams the door on the local parents, similar to what he did to all of us with the recent tax hike.
5.) Peabody residents are now alerted that they have to pay for their trash removal.
6.) Into the summer months and the posturing begins for the election! Papers are "pulled" and lawns signs, once again, begin to litter the lawns of the city! Dave "Deep Pockets" Gamache announces that he will be leaving the ward 5 seat and seeking an At-Large spot. A couple of ward 5 guys start to ponder...
7.) Beverley Griffin Dunne, James Liacos, Barry Sinewitz, Mike Garabedian, Anne Dean Martin Manning all announce their candidacy for At-Large. Robb Forti announces his run for Ward 1, then Osborne backs out. Jeff Grayson "pulls" for Ward 4, Driscoll retires from City Council.
8.) Main Street in Peabody is converted into one lane in either direction and the downtown shuts down almost over night due to low traffic and turns into Washington Street Lynn.
9.) Peabody City Council creates a new holiday in which all Peabody City Employees get a day off with holiday pay called "Demolisher Day"!
10.) Frank Peters on the PMLP and Edward Charest on the School Committee both announce their departure from their elected seats. Charlie Bonfanti fights to retain his gift as PMLP commish, as does Tom D'Mato.
So there you have it! With a little humor folded in, this is how The Twisted Tanner see it!
Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!