Saturday, December 19, 2009

Double Dippin'

What started as merely a rumor at The Peabody Patriot has transpired into a point of FACT. Newly elected School Committee member Jarrod Hochman IS on the advisory board of the Road to Success Charter High School . TT sees this as a huge conflict of interest and grounds to have his newly won school committee seat stricken. Also an appointed member of the Peabody Conservation Commission, I wonder what else he has his paws in?

Well what do you think TT fans? Is this grounds for dismissal? Would this bring Niz back? Is this a blatant slap in the face to the people that showed up on November 3rd to cast a voter in his direction? I think so, how can you be working to fund and operate a charter school and work for a municiple public school system at the same time? When you get down to the nitty gritty aren't they [the schools] fighting for enrollment against one another? Let us all know what you think. HERE is Ole Nellie's tabloibic drivel.