Monday, June 28, 2010

Full of Shit in Peabody!

That's what the headline should read in the latest "Community News" section in the Boston Globe under the heading of "Peabody!"

Why nay you ask?  Because there is an article about how Mayor Mikey plans on keeping the Bike Path that Mayor Torigian built for us cut back and free of litter.  He is asking local businesses to "sponsor" a section of Torigian's Bike Path to keep it's appearance up!

Hell why ask those city employees that you just gave a 3% increase to do their jobs?  That would be foolish!

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Fact or Fiction?

There seems to be a rumor floating about the Dark City that a longtime Peabody Electric Light Commissioner has resigned?  A proud member of Mayor Mike's Rumpswab Rubberstamp Clan!  Could this just be a set up so that Bonfanti can appoint his brother Charlie?  Let's see how this all pans out!

Until Next Time, Take Care of your own!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Mayoral Madness!

At the meeting last night watching the budgetary process, what a crock of shit. They are completely ruining our public school system, while other various departments throughout the city are being pampered! Not one other dept. has received a pink slip will dozens were passed out within the school system.

Put forth last night was the motion for 3% increases for ALL non-union city employees!  As if that wasn't enough of a kick in the teeth...  LONGEVITY BONUSES!

Cut, cut, cut, and complain about the lack of state aid and raise taxes while handing out raises and making up holidays! Welcome to the Bonfanti era!

Until Next Time, Let freedom Ring!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A couple of new polls----LOOK!

Well, I am not going to do a post about a mulch fire, even though I think that there is something "fishy" there...and I have totally lost all faith that the educational standards will be upheld here in Peabody, well...exept for Brandi.  What the hell happened to the other 6 "or should I waste the time saying 7" school committee members?  OK...we know who you all stand for, participate in my new polls, you can vote for the mini-dick-tator...go ahead!

Pissed off and Out~!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

It's a damn shame!

What the hell is going on here in Peabody?  Why is it that the children and their valuable educations are being ignored?  As other departments throughout the city's coffers are receiving raises and cost of living increases...etc. our school system is being completely dismantled!  I will no-longer bring up the fact the Bonfanti coined himself as "The Education Mayor", because clearly that was nothing but a joke in his eyes!  I am very disappointed in the school committee voting this new budget in with only one member having a BACKBONE to stand against it...CONGRATULATIONS BRANDI CARPENTER!!!  The rest of you should all be ashamed of yourselves!

When is the last time ANY of you actually spent a day in one of our city schools watching how the teachers scramble for supplies just to write on the chalkboard?  It should be mandatory that all SC members spend a few days a year watching (internally) how our teachers have to struggle to give the kids the education that they deserve! Then Mrs. Dunne speaks out (after she voted) that it would be now left up to the council...for what, to take the monkey off of her back?  McGeney speaks about the parental commitment and praises their careful wishes while he votes against it!

Bus Fees at $300.00 per child!  School Sports= $$$$!  So much for free education, the people of Peabody with children get penalized for being parents by paying more in fees  /  TAXES!  That should be the headline, and is the legacy of Bonfanti.

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Well it looks like the school committee and the mayor are on different pages as far as closing a school goes! After all, doesn't the school committee merely exist because we HAVE SCHOOLS!  Wouldn't eliminating schools virtually be eliminating their needs also?  Like I said people, you heard it here first A SCHOOL WILL NOT BE CLOSING!  Here is your article  My belief is that the current group of school committee members really DO care about education in Peabody, a lot more than Bonfanti.

Which leads me to my next topic.  The City Council and special permits!  Special permits exist to allow the council to do their job and vote on the needs and wants of special permits, I am hearing that a certain group or block of individuals on the city council are trying to eliminate the special permit process.  Than why the hell would we need a city council? Aside from voting on the budget, we could eliminate 11 potential health care plans and @ $85k a year in city council salaries! So why is this group bickering over this process, because they are losing their ground.

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Only believe half of what you hear...

WOW!!  I thought I was having a nightmare last night when I heard of how this School Committee meeting went.  This is really nothing but "political tactfulness"!  Here is what I think...A SCHOOL IS NOT GOING TO BE CLOSED!!!  There are now many scenarios that are on the table:

Scenario #1: Bonfanti knows that Gamache is in trouble in ward 5, this leaves the floor open for Gamache to be a hero and speak out in the future and stop the closing of a school in his hero!

Scenario #2: It seemed to me that there was a bit of "good cop vs. bad cop" between Bonfanti and McGeney, this could really set up McGeney for a mayoral run with the mayor's backing!!

Scenario #3: Bonfanti is planning on running again and he could increase his vote count by stopping the closure after hyping it all up.

And here is a big question...WHERE WAS TED BETTENCOURT?

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

This just in...

I received an e-mail today from a parent that belongs to the PTO in one of the west Peabody Schools,  please read the following and let us know your thoughts!

Good Morning,
I want to let you know that On Monday night at 7:30 at the Kiley School, the Mayor is presenting his plans to close a school. It looks like he would target one of our West Peabody Schools. He is doing this on his own because the school committee would not bring it up or the planning board. He really needs to stop threatening our children’s education. We have been advised to contact anyone who may be affected by this and ask them to support us by trying to attend the budget meeting Monday night. There is a time when the public is allowed to speak so if you would like to, please bring your words with you. We should not have to worry at the end of each year if our kids are going to have to change schools. Isn’t it bad enough our teachers don’t know where they are going.
I know I have sent our emails about other things this year regarding “hot topics”, but this is something we all need to come together for. Hopefully we can overpower them with people so they will not agree to this ridiculous proposal.

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!

The BIG showdown?

Could the Salem Evening News be trying to tell us all something?  Do they know something that we don't?  After reading yesterday's opinion story about Fred Berry's efforts to try and fix parking issues in our blighted down town I came away with an interesting tidbit.  They mentioned both The Rat and Bettencourt as being "potential 2011 mayoral candidates"!  This isn't the first time we've heard of this potential dual, as a matter of fact...I am hearing that some behind the scenes campaign talks are starting to happen.  I am also hearing that Mayor Mike is touting his "grooming" of Bettencourt!  Not the support mechanism I'd be seeking!!  So what do you all think about this?  If these two faced off Bonfanti would not seek re-election, that is for sure therefore we would be voting for a new mayor in the dark city!  Take the new poll!