Sunday, July 31, 2011

Peabody Politics

I have taken the time to check out the new Peabody Politics political blog.  I like the tone that the owner wants to set and wish him/her the best of luck in the Peabody blogosphere.  This is proving to be an electrifying election year in the dark city.  That being said, I simply do not have the time to constantly monitor The Twisted Tanner as it seems the owner of the Peabody Politics blog has.  That being said, I am turning over the reigns as the most visited Peabody Blog to the Peabody Politics site effective immediately.

At some point in time, I may decide to open up shop again, just not sure when.  I will be watching from the sideline and commenting where I see fit.  So, for now I hope the Peabody Politics blog continues to "Let Freedom Ring!"


Signing off,
The Twisted Tanner