Sunday, July 31, 2011

Peabody Politics

I have taken the time to check out the new Peabody Politics political blog.  I like the tone that the owner wants to set and wish him/her the best of luck in the Peabody blogosphere.  This is proving to be an electrifying election year in the dark city.  That being said, I simply do not have the time to constantly monitor The Twisted Tanner as it seems the owner of the Peabody Politics blog has.  That being said, I am turning over the reigns as the most visited Peabody Blog to the Peabody Politics site effective immediately.

At some point in time, I may decide to open up shop again, just not sure when.  I will be watching from the sideline and commenting where I see fit.  So, for now I hope the Peabody Politics blog continues to "Let Freedom Ring!"


Signing off,
The Twisted Tanner

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Really? Why not? Oh!!

Recently the City of Peabody offered open enrollment to all surrounding cities and towns to enter our "elite?" Public School System.  They have had this "Open Invitation" up for nearly 2 months!  We have just recently gotten the astounding responses!!


That is not a typo!  ZERO!!!! 

Does that not tell you something?   When Torigian was mayor neighboring cities and town were knocking down our doors to bring their kids here!  Somewhere in the past 10 years we lost the whole freakin' thing!  Hopefully the next mayor will pay more attention to the FUTURE of Peabody and actually purchase enough books and supplies for the kids we have!   Bus and user fees just add to taxes.  If I wanted to live in Lynnfield I would have just bought a house there!

We don't have enough books or gas money for the kids in PEABODY!

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!

The light has been seen!

The origin of the bat signal varies between timeline and media. It made its first appearance in Peabody in November of 2007.  Batman then gave the signal to the police as a gift enabling them to call him when the city is in danger. Then-political activist The Outfront Guy creates his own signal light, inspired by an incident when Bonfanti strapped the taxpayers of Peabody and residents built a large searchlight, which created a roughly bat-like image from the light's beam due to Bonfanti's tiny legs wide mid-region and beady little head.

The signal was illuminated early this month as the 4 incumbents in the At-Large race seemed to have a coast to coast win and newcomer Tom (Mocha Chip) Gould was coined as a "shoo-in" to occupy mayoral candidate Ted Bettencourt's vacated seat on the Peabody City Council. Robert (Bob) Croce pulled nomination papers today at city hall at @ 4:30pm ET to make it a six man/she man race.

Welcome to the fray Bob, full steam ahead!  The taxpayers of Peabody need a candidate that has no hidden agendas and is a fiscal conservative. 


Wednesday, July 20, 2011


A lot has to be said about the negotiating skills of our current mayor!   I did not think that it would possible to publicly show the people of Peabody how he can negotiate a higher rate for a company's services, while receiving less service!  Well once again this nitwit blows my mind, this new trash contract is giving the residents of Peabody a royal screwin' while he moves toward retirement with his cushy pension.

Just last week I witnessed 2 different homeowners chasing a trash truck down the street with bags of trash in their hands!  And now, I'm told that they won't pick up barrels if they are not the correct size!!   If that wasn't bad enough, white goods stickers have also doubled in price!!  Once again the backroom deals and secret handshakes cost us money and unneeded aggravation. 

Before you know it he'll be raising property taxes again while valuations plummet,  oh wait,  he's done that 10 years in a row.

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Update from Council Meeting...

Just got back from the council meeting, folks. I know that there are a couple of topics that were heavily debated here at the Twisted Tanner so I though I'd take the liberty of informing my audience to the outcome.

Dunkin Donuts was DENIED a special permit to open a location at the Lynnfield Street plaza in Ward 2. It was a 6-5 vote.

Bonfanti Mayoral Appointments were all approved.

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Challenger steps up in Ward 3

According to The Peabody Patch , a few of the races are starting to heat up in the dark city. A newcomer to city politics has chosen to pull papers to run against entrenched longtime ward 3 councilor Rico Mello. Nobody seems to know much about TOM SERINO, but rumor has it he is somehow related to the Fitzgerald clan. I believe the rumor is that his brother is married to Sean's sister?

This could certainly pull Sean some votes from the ward 3 area and add to his strength in ward 1. I see no other wards in the city that Sean could muster more than 1000 votes from. My early prediction is Bettencourt with 85% of the total vote count.

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

New Budget PASSES!

Bonfanti's budget passed with only 2 people bucking the dictator, Sinewitz and Mello.  Not sure about you, but I have been reading along in the Salem News and see that the DPS has just recently added 9 new vehicles to it's fleet.  That is 9 more than the 4 that they added 2 months ago!!  AND we just purchased a new fire engine pumper.  In my book that is just a big "FUNGOOL" to the children and the homeowners in the city.  Projected tax increase is at $148. right now, that is @ $360. in real life.

Fitzgerald's comment in regards to the mayor's budget is nothing short of moronic!  This guy has absolutely no freakin' clue what this city needs.  Bonfanti has sent this city to hell in a hand basket and if Fitzy thinks backing Bonfanti's madness is the right approach, you'd better start looking for a job on craigslist.

Bettencourt isn't much better!!  Why wouldn't you vote against a budget that strong arms the schools, raises taxes, and buys new toys for the crew on the DPS?  Do you have family driving one of those new rigs?  SSSSHHH!

Mello was clearly thinking about nothing other than a BIG MAC MEAL DEAL and once again voted against the budget with little explanation, extra special sauce please.

Sinewitz brought up a great point, in reference to the golf course.  Why not charge higher fees and offer membership fees to try and bring in more revenue.  He also questioned the proposed tax hike of $148.00.



Until Next Time,Let Freedom Ring!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sidewalk Talk!

Sources close to The Twisted Tanner speculate that a vote is going to happen this Thursday night that will effect everyone that lives within 500 yards of a public school.  I am told that if you live within 500 yds. of a school you will now be required to shovel your sidewalk or you will be fined.  Well, the Twisted one always shovels his sidewalk, but you/I will now be required to salt it if it is icy!  Don't we alreadt mow the sidewalk grass?    Before you know it, we'll be told to plow the street in front of our house!  Glad that this bonehead mayor is soon to be a memory.

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Upcoming Events

As the mayor's race heats up, there are some upcoming events that I think you'll all need to know about...

Next Weekend there is a "Spaghetti with Teddy" fundraiser and on the 4th of June there is a coming night at the Knights of Columbus hall with world reknowned Peabody comedian Gary Gulman for the FitzGerald Committee.

In other news there was a new Burke School play park built by local far as I know FitzGerald did not attend?  Bettencourt was there, however.

This much debated race seems to be a bit quiet right now, word on the street is that Bettencourt feels as though he's got it "in the bag", and that FitzGerald is working his tail off.  Time will tell.

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A couple of rumors and they're a bit fishy!

Word on the street is that ex-pmlp commissioner Tom Zellen could be planning a bid for the corner office!  I have to admit...that is the funniest thing that I have heard since someone told me way back when that Bonfanti was a great mayor!  And, even that guy woke up to reality.  We all knew something was up when this political hack voluntarily resigned as a commissioner.  This however is so freakin' funny!!!  We all thought that he was lining himself up for appointment to the City Treasurer's position, this could still happen!  Watch as Bonfanti gives his cronies big fat handshakes on his way out the door!

Next on the agenda is Diamond Dave McGeney!  Sources close to the Tanner say that Dave is trying to receive appointment from the mayor to one of these new created positions; "Buildings Property Manager" or something like that.  This is why he is undecided on his bid to seek re-election on the School Committee.  Another Bonfanti lap-dog licking his chops waiting for his piece of the pie! To top it all off, they already have his school board replacement lined up to step in...more on that as the plot thickens!!!

Sean Fitzgerald recently had his Campaign Kickoff fundraiser at the AOH hall on Main street last Friday night!  Some kickoff it must have been...I'm told a measly 30-40 people were in attendance.  However the writing should be clearly writtin' on the wall for the Bettencourt posy...NOTHING IN THE SALEM EVENING NEWS ABOUT HIS POLITICAL CAMPAIGN KICKOFF FUNDRAISER that packed the Holy Ghost on Howley street two months ago like sardines to the illegal occupancy levels of 1000 people!  Fitzgerald is a nasty dude and his alter boy days at St. Anne's are nothing but a mere memory, this race should be one to go down in history. (Negatively)

Old Nelly typed in today's paper about the elected light commissioners being allowed to pass out retroactive raises to unions and electric light personnel, his grievance was that the highest paid position in the Dark city is Mr. Waters, nothing new.  However that now he has 15 more employees with him on the city's top 50!  Ouch!!  Who the hell in their right mind would allow Tommy Damato to pass out raises?  Perhaps Old Nelly is spot on in this instance.

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Public School Busses....TOO EXPENSIVE!

Wow!  Did I say that?  A "Public School bus" too expensive? Looks like the school committee will have to explore different avenues to nickle and dime the parents of little Sarah and Joey!  Gees, just imagine if little Joey and Sarah's parents spent money they did not have...then you would have Mayor Mike!  Spending money on out of city schools...etc, when we can't even get the kids in our own city to school! 

Guess what...  once this new Vocational school opens in Danvers all of the Peabody students will be receiving FREE transportation to and from school!!  That's right FREE!  Something wrong with this picture?

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

We have a Challenger!

Looks like we will have a race!  Perhaps even a better race than when Ole Slats ran against the shithead several years ago.  What is different about this race?  Here we go...

1.) Sean has the sitting Mayor's Campaign manager running his campaign.

2.) Sean has the backing of Manning/Martin and Gravel. And we all know that their supporters will jump on board!  Who knows where Osborne, Garabedian, Gamache, and Driscoll will lend their support, OR FAKE IT!

3.) Sean grew up in the same circles as many of the folks that attended Ted's fundraiser.

4.) Sean has experience running a municipality first hand.

5.) Sean will more than likely receive the support of most of Bonfanti's followers.

6.) Sean WILL more than likely get the support of Bonfanti, after all they worked together for many years.  Not to mention that my sources tell me that Sean would not have announced his candidacy without the support of Bonfanti.

7.) Sean know many of the DPS, POLICE, FIRE DEPT, SCHOOL, ELECTED OFFICIALS....etc.

All in all it looks like we will have a battle royale on our hands for the next eight months!  I have attached one of those silly polls for you to show your support for your candidate!  Anyone else jumping in?  The water is getting warm!

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Cutting some Zzzzzzzzzzzz's at the Snooze!

Wow, it looks like the Salem Evening News' Internet traffic has come to a sudden halt! Many are fuming over the paper's latest decision to eliminate anonymous commentators from making comments, a freedom of speech issue if you ask me!  Heck...if someone really wanted to track down the anonymous commentator they could just simply track their address; that is, if they broke the law?!

Well, anyways...still business as usual here at the Tanner, where freedom reigns supreme!

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!

Friday, February 11, 2011


An article written in the Salem Evening News yesterday "so eloquently" announced the new projected cost of this "Mega-voc" at between 12 and 13 Million dollars.  Peabody being hit the hardest of all other towns/cities participating because of it's anticipated enrollment numbers.  Call me crazy, but I would have liked to see the 12 Million go into our own Vocational School program!  But I guess this is just one of those issues that will be a thorn left behind by the Bonfanti Administration, oh...and by the way, that 12-13 Million dollar estimate will more than likely rise as the projected building costs rise!!

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Let the games begin!

After this post you'll all realize that not too much gets by the undercover reporters working for the Twisted Tanner in good ole 01960!  We are now officially in an "election year" and past electorate wanna-bes and future public leach wanna-bes are starting to quietly speak about their intentions.  Although most are "waiting to see what happens"???  Don't really know what that means!  I can tell you all that familiar names from past elections and even current elected officials are thinking of jumping into a new seat.  Now as we know, this is Peabody and the City Council needs to be lop-sided towards the mayor;  well things could get a little confusing as Ted Bettencourt will more than likely take that helm. 

In my humble opinion Ted seems to be the type of guy that would rather support what is better for the city rather than what would better pad his pocket.  That is why I think that the power on the City Council will swing a full 180 degrees towards the Athas, Sinewitz, Mello side of the chambers. And I will tell you why....

As I started this post I told you all of the intentions being stirred about, two major ones that will effect the council and add power to Dr. No (Rico Mello), Superman Sinewitz (Barry Sinewitz), and Arthur Athas (no nickname as of yet) are...

1.) Rob Forti running strong again in ward 1
2.) Jeff Grayson a shoe-in for ward 4

Two reasons that the "Evil Empire" in Peabody will no longer be!  Liacos is all done and even if he runs again (he came in 5th in 2009), I am hearing that he will be up against...

1.) Maggy Tierney (current library trustee)
2.) Bill Aylward (candidate from 2009)
3.) Thomas Gould (new candidate?)
**An there is a possibility that David McGeney will run for an At-Large seat!

So it appears that Anne Manning Martin Dean...etc, and Dave Gravel will be looking across the table at Gamache and Garabedian with helplessness in their eyes.

The only other contests that I can forecast for city councilors is that I am hearing Ron Sheehan (former candidate for ward 6) is itching for another run and that nobody in ward 5 has the balls to run against David Gamache.  Did I mention Jerry Rizzo(former ward 6 councilor), he has been VERY VISIBLE lately, I am thinking he is looking for something?On to the School Committee...

Up for re-election are Brandi (pookanutta) Carpenter, Edward (committee to close a school chairperson) Charest, and David (Bonfanti "yes man") McGeney.  Besides the anticipated move by McGeney to seek an At-Large seat (he's already pensioned and a loss is "just a loss"), I am hearing that two Burke School "Dads" are seeking a seat, one that prospered with Bruin's tickets over a new swing set and one that has issues with the plowing / new pick up policies. Now onto the electric light...

I am hearing that Frank Peters will not seek re-election, and we also know that Tom Dumbato is up for re-election.  In my mind that is two empty seats available!! Also up for re-election is Charlie Bonfanti whom was sworn in to replace Thomas Zellen on the PMLP commission, that will be a two year term and should be an easy race..."Bonfanti" is now a dirty name in Peabody! 

Did I leave anything out?  Let me know at or just post a comment!

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Due to popular demand I will change the current poll!  I will look at past articles in Peabody Patch, The Boston Globe, and The Salem Evening News to create my candidate list.

Please use this thread to let us all know why use chose your candidate.

Let the fun begin!

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hot while sub-zero in Peabody!

A busy morning today for the "IN BOX" at the Twisted Tanner headquarters.  An abundance of emails have come through about an extraordinary turnout for 2011 Mayoral Candidate Ted Bettencourt last night at the Holy Ghost on Howley Street!  I have been told that nearly 1000 folks sardined themselves into the Ghost chambers and occupied every parking lot in the area.  "Stop and Shop looked like they were having a going out of business sale!" and "it looked like people were waiting in line at the Topsfield Fair to get inside and show Ted their support!" These were just a couple of comments that came through the Tanner inbox!

Also it came as no suprise that current defunk Mayor Bonfanti was not there, and neither was possible candidate Sean Fitzgerald.  Rumblings as of late indicate that Fitsy IS actually running according to folks that attend the "Portuguese Dinners", apparently Seanie was speaking of it on Friday night while enjoying his Roast Beef dinner. Could Sean be the next Rex Ryan?

Remember nearly everyone in the country was picking the 2011 New England Patriots to win the Super Bowl !!

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wonder Woman in PEABODY!

Ladies and Gentlemen, please allow me to introduce Peabody's newest saving grace...It's new City Council President Anne Dean Martin Manning! By reading the latest drivel in the Salem Evening News, you would think that she is going to save Peabody and its' residents from all of the turmoil from previous negligent leaders.  By reading this article, I am wondering why Wonder woman doesn't run against Bettencourt for the corner office!  She seems to have all of the answers!!

Until Next time, Let Freedom Ring!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Twisted Tanner Top Ten for 2011 !

What to expect in 2011!  A top ten list, if you will, in my opinion what we all have in store for the new year!

1.) The last term of Mike "The Demolisher" Bonfanti!  With the mid-term speech and hoopla that goes with it, it is expected that Bonfanti will announce his decision to not re-seek office in the up-coming November election. Spending more time with his family being his reasoning behind his decision.

2.) Anne Dean Martin Manning is ushered in as the new City Council President, this should be a very interesting challenge for "The Demolisher", as Manning does not get along with the mayor and has no bones about standing up to him!

3.) The announcement that Ted Bettencourt will seek the position of Mayor, this announcement will more than likely be pasted all over the Salem Evening News and The Peabody Weekly by the end of the second week in January.

3.) Another candidate for Mayor emerges from behind the shadows...Dave "The Rat" Gravel will announce his decision to seek the highest elected official seat in the city touting his fast action to nothing accomplished by the end of his tenure as City Council President in regards to the re-zoning. Also the elimination of health insurance to all elected officials being a goal of his as "Mayor". (something he collected for several years and now receives as pension.)

4.) Moving into the spring months, "The Demolisher" will announce the closing of the McCarthy school in ward 5.  This time he slams the door on the local parents, similar to what he did to all of us with the recent tax hike.

5.) Peabody residents are now alerted that they have to pay for their trash removal.

6.) Into the summer months and the posturing begins for the election!  Papers are "pulled" and lawns signs, once again, begin to litter the lawns of the city! Dave "Deep Pockets" Gamache announces that he will be leaving the ward 5 seat and seeking an At-Large spot.  A couple of ward 5 guys start to ponder...

7.) Beverley Griffin Dunne, James Liacos, Barry Sinewitz, Mike Garabedian, Anne Dean Martin Manning all announce their candidacy for At-Large.  Robb Forti announces his run for Ward 1, then Osborne backs out.  Jeff Grayson "pulls" for Ward 4, Driscoll retires from City Council.

8.) Main Street in Peabody is converted into one lane in either direction and the downtown shuts down almost over night due to low traffic and turns into Washington Street Lynn.

9.) Peabody City Council creates a new holiday in which all Peabody City Employees get a day off with holiday pay called "Demolisher Day"!

10.) Frank Peters on the PMLP and Edward Charest on the School Committee both announce their departure from their elected seats. Charlie Bonfanti fights to retain his gift as PMLP commish, as does Tom D'Mato.

So there you have it!  With a little humor folded in, this is how The Twisted Tanner see it!

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!