Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sidewalk Talk!

Sources close to The Twisted Tanner speculate that a vote is going to happen this Thursday night that will effect everyone that lives within 500 yards of a public school.  I am told that if you live within 500 yds. of a school you will now be required to shovel your sidewalk or you will be fined.  Well, the Twisted one always shovels his sidewalk, but you/I will now be required to salt it if it is icy!  Don't we alreadt mow the sidewalk grass?    Before you know it, we'll be told to plow the street in front of our house!  Glad that this bonehead mayor is soon to be a memory.

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Upcoming Events

As the mayor's race heats up, there are some upcoming events that I think you'll all need to know about...

Next Weekend there is a "Spaghetti with Teddy" fundraiser and on the 4th of June there is a coming night at the Knights of Columbus hall with world reknowned Peabody comedian Gary Gulman for the FitzGerald Committee.

In other news there was a new Burke School play park built by local far as I know FitzGerald did not attend?  Bettencourt was there, however.

This much debated race seems to be a bit quiet right now, word on the street is that Bettencourt feels as though he's got it "in the bag", and that FitzGerald is working his tail off.  Time will tell.

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!