Thursday, October 21, 2010

At-Large Councilors poke Bonfanti in the eye!

Looks like two of our elite leaders have stepped up to the plate and have publicly voiced their opinion on some shoddy leadership here in the Dark City!  This all stemming from the "land deal gone sour!"  Both people in question have resigned, yet the mayor still preaches of no willful wrong-doings.  Attorney Christopher stated that even though no laws were broken, something stinks!

I believe that this is the FIRST article mentioning anything about Bettencourt clouting publicly about his intention to run for Mayor, and this isn't the first time that Anne Dean Martin Manning has stood firm and spoken strong about the weak leadership and decsions made by Bonfanti.  Soon things will certainly heat up in the local elections, people are talking about Gravel, Manning, and Bettencourt all ttrying for the corner office in 13 months!  What do you think?

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Local Races turn up the HEAT!

Lately there has been a lot of chatter on the streets of the Dark City that the two State Reps may be in trouble!  It appears by watching last night's debate at City Hall that these two challengers are a bit more educated than I once thought. Personally I think that Joyce will pull it off in the 12th district, but think thst Ted's ship has sunk in ward 6.  You can read the story from the Salem Evening News HERE !  Apparently alot has cahnged over the past few weeks with peoples' opinions of these folks.

I have attached several new polls, please participate.

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Lighten' up FRANCIS!

Looks like Ward 3 Councilor Rico Mello struck a nerve with Peabody Fire Inspector Joseph DiFranco!  Making a statement in regards to the way it seemed that the Fire Dept. was treating a business man in the Dark City.  Woods trucking went before the council for a permit to store fuel on their property on Farm Avenue near the site of the Department of Public Services garage.  The way I see it, this gentleman was trying to follow proper protocol by attaining the proper permit to store the flammable liquid, the Peabody Fire Dept. seemed to have a "hidden agenda" by giving him an unusual/unreasonable hard time during the process.  Ward 3 Councilor Rico Mello seemed to better expose the probability of a "hidden agenda" by stating that this was a "public lynching" of a person/businessman.  Mello even had the support of his counterpart Jimmy "the grouch" Liacos and should have just used his prior remarks in a prior similar case which was a "public flogging!"

Who knows?? I for one am not sure that comparing the statement from Mello's mouth to thousands of deaths of African Americans is a bit much!   HERE IS YOUR LINK!

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!