Sunday, December 27, 2009

Forward Thinking! (a post from a viewer)

THE SALEM GAZETTE featured a story not too long ago...

It reports the record breaking sales for Salem business owners during the Halloween period. If only our city officials (Mayor, Community Development, Chamber of Commerce and City Council) could realize the potential for directing tourist traffic towards our Downtown Main Street instead of seeking every possible way to discourage tourist traffic from using our business area. The smallest bit of business savy from the afore-mentioned on the potential opportunity for our downtown restaurant merchants, museums, etc....would benefit immensely while raising funds via the new meals tax.

I've said it a hundred times before, our downtown business area could be the road to Disney World. Translation - cash laden tourists (who are more inclined to spend $$$ as evident by the article) heading for Salem need to go through Peabody first. Salem spends the money to attract the buyers and our city reaps the benefits. Ideally, we could work with Salem officials (now there's a novel idea) to make this a joint venture and we both win.