Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Peabody's new dump?

Not sure if anyone out there knows what is going on at the former site of the Billiards parlor and the decimated land behind it? I have seen on many occassions full dumptrucks entering the property? Is this the new site of the Peabody Dump? Not sure what is in those dumptrucks, but are there any regulations as to what can happen on that piece of land by way of special permits? When is the last time a city official has taken a visit to that land? Maybe now is the time before the MA DEP fines us once again for something that we had no idea about. Perhaps the Conservation Commission should check it out?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Holy Cow Batman!!

Get a load of this article I found in Tom Grelish's Peabody Citizen! It seems as though the "era of cooperation" and working together has come to an end on the City Council, a quick 2 and a half weeks after the inauguration! City Council President Dave "The Rat" Gravel completely excluded three city councilors from the subcommittees! Is the same type of shenanigans that happened when the Rat and the Queen of Mean (Manning) were on the School Committee?

So click on the image above to read the brief article.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

If I were City Council President !

Something new here today folks...

Taking some time to yet again search the Ole Web! Found out some very interesting news!! But first let's play a lil' game!

If I TT were City Council President...

I would work tirelessly to push through the re-zoning proposals that have been put to the back burner by the previous City Council Presidents and ward 3 councilor. I would make sure that we could ram as many new condos/apartments into our struggling downtown to increase traffic and over populate our already struggling school system. I would make shit sure that all of the special interest contractors and developers were used so that the money made could re-direct itself back to my campiagn for mayor in a year and a half by way of donations. I would also make damn sure that I padded my own pocket in the meantime with all of this big development. How would I do that you may ask...

I would open up a corporation that would specialize in Property Management before all of these plans go through so that I could profit by managing these new buildings...etc.

So what do you think? Good plan?

Looks like your current City Council President has the same ideas! You can see what I mean HERE !

Friday, January 22, 2010

Sign me up....NOT!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Someone got it right!

Looking at aerial photography today! The top photo is the Deer"burn" apartments in Peabody (no water tower), the bottom photo is the new condos in Lynnfield up behind Kelly Jeep (in the early stages of it'd development WITH water towers). Wondering what the latest news is on the Dearborne Apartment's water tower? As every day passes human lives are being put at risk with no water tower on the premises. As you can all remember there wasn't nearly enough pressure to quickly knock down the blaze. Not that I think the City of Peabody should fund the entire 6 Million dollar project, but let's get serious here. My opinion is that the management company that currently owns the property should pay at least half, what do you think?

P.M.L.P. Gossip

According to a well-known, credible source Frank Peters will not be looking to extend his tenure as an elected member of the Peabody Municiple Light Plant. Frank is, and always has been one of the "good guys" so we at the Twisted Tanner headquarters are disappointed, but at the same time we wish him luck in the future. So this will leave a vacant seat and Tommy "Dumb"-ato, whom will be up for re-election. We WILL SEE Charlie Bonfanti again with his white crew cut staging a campaign! These positions should be eliminated all together, waste of money, what do they do anyway?



"You are an elected official.

You have been stopped by a local police officer on your way home from a fundraiser. The officer suspects that you have been drinking and asks you to perform a field sobriety test.
May you tell the police officer that you are an elected official and direct her to escort you home without conducting the field sobriety test or citing you for any other infractions?"

How do you think our illustrious elected officials would do on this test? Funny thing is that YOU CAN NOT FAIL! You just keep taking it until you get it right! You can read the story HERE

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Your new U.S. Senator !

Those of you that thought it could not be done...blah ha ha ha ha! Straight from his VICTORY SPEECH tonight:

"My little campaign started with me in my truck, and it ended with AIR FORCE ONE MAKING AN EMERGENCY LANDING AT LOGAN!"

Next on the chopping block...Tierney, Patrick, and Kerry!

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Massachusetts Miracle

No...we're OK!

Wow with all of this debate going on in westville about the potential closing of a school, you'd think that the City of Peabody would be willing/trying to cash in on any/all avenues to receive funds from the state. NOPE, not our illustrious School Committee leaders. They simply said...NO! You can read the article HERE , and THIS is what Ole Nellie had to say about it!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

"The Education Councilor"

Well at least education seems to be a top priority to one of our elected officials, and we all know it's NOT the mayor! Ward 6 Councilor Barry "Sourpuss" Sinewitz accepts a check from Community Credit Union President Nicholas Sarantopoulos and Bank Operations Manager Michelle Couto. The donation to the Ward 6 Scholarship Fund covered one of two $500 scholarships given annually to high school students living in Ward 6. Sinewitz says the credit union has been a strong supporter of city schools and the donation now in such tough economic times is greatly appreciated.

On another note...I heard today through the Peabody pipeline that Sinewitz has been making stops at the PTO meetings in the "targeted for closing" schools in his ward. A friend of a friend's sister's aunt's cousin told me today that last night he was at the West Memorial School speaking about the possibilities in the near future, and he was at the Burke School last week. Was anyone else there that would like to chime in?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Head to Head Race

Not too many comments on here regarding the highly contested State Senate race? Not sure why? It seems through the polls that Scott Brown has been narrowing the gap, and that this race is virtually as even as it can get!

Many thought that Martha Coakley would run away with it, and who knows...maybe she will?

I took some time Monday night to watch the televised debate, did you? I was VERY impressed with Scott Brown's demeanor and responses to the questions. HE seemed to be the most impressive out of the three. Actually, Joe Kennedy seemed to spark a bit of support in regards to his opinion of "big government", and issues with spending that aggressively dictate our tax rate, but hey...we all know about that...we live in Peabody! Spend, Spend, Spend!

So, I am thinking that many out there haven't yet made up their minds on who they'll support on January 19th to replace the late Ted Kennedy? Maybe we can create thought out reasons why or why not you will be supporting one of these candidates, it may help out the undecided!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

In the dark here...

Just reaching out to my captive audience here a bit... there is an editorial in today's Salem Evening News from current Electric Light Commissioner Thomas Zellen in regards to a parcel of land on Bartholamew Street. He is apparently at odds with the decision that was made by the Board of Appeals to grant a variance to build six homes to a private developer on land owned by the city when the applicant does not own the land in question, and does not have a purchase-and-sale agreement, or any other incident of ownership, in the subject property.

Does anyone out there in blogland know why this situation seems to bother Mr. Zellen so much? Was this piece of land on Tom's radar? Can someone shed some light? HERE is your story.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Parents fuming..

It was brought to my attention today that several of the classrooms at the John E. Burke elementary school in ward 6 have NO HEAT. I have been told by a reliable source that this is not a newly developed problem, it has been a problem for several years now. Many kids are returning home from school complaining to their parents about the lack of heat in school. As if this wasn't problem enough...there are several other classrooms that leave the windows open because they are simply too hot!!! Is this simply a duct-work issue? Great environment for the children of Peabody to learn! Education mayor my ass!

Oh my...

Sources close to the Twisted Tanner are speculating a run for the corner office by Diamond Dave McGeney! My sources also tell me that he will have the endorsement of mayor McCheese. This rumor comes on the heels of Diamond Dave working hard supporting Thomas Rossignall for the SC seat during the last election, hence giving him total control of the SC board. However, don't count out The Rat (Gravel) just yet, the last time we all saw the Salem News writing an article with "Bold Leadership" in it's headline was back in 2001 when McGeney ran against Bonfanti.

People say the mayor is "with" Gravel? You would certainly think so by his remarks towards Gravel at the inauguration. So, now where does this all leave Bettencourt? McGeney has a big name and a big amount of support and name recognition from his many years on the SC. Gravel has positioned himself quite nicely atop of the CC and will pound home all of Bonfanti's last wishes during his last term, AND will more than likely take all the credit for any zoning, dept. consolidation, cutting insurance bennies...etc!

So who's on top of this pig pile for the corner office seat? The posturing has certainly begun, and from what I am hearing there will be a lot more to come! This may in fact be a race that you need to come out and announce your candidacy early, don't let the momentum of the others and the sneaky false promises get ya.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Keep your eyes open WIDE!

Just as I told you all about a month ago, Dave "The Rat" Gravel has taken over the City Council President role and he and McCheese are already hinting that they are on the same page. The three goals the rat mentions are re-zoning (which nobody in wards 2,3 +4 want), consolidating services (good idea), and attacking the health insurance premiums (which will effect all city employees and elected officials). Ya see he could care less, he took the insurance for 8 years while on the school committee but no longer does.

The education mayor will more than likely be closing a school and cutting the school budget even deeper as we move forward, you could see the writing on the wall at Wiggin Auditorium. Why's the only branch of city operations that he has made any cuts thus far. Wish us luck!

HERE is your article.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Peabody Inaugerations...

Monday night at the Wiggin Auditorium our faithful, hapless leaders will be once again sworn into office. The ceremonies start at 7:00pm and the public is invited to attend. There is a brief piece in the Weekly news HERE and from what I've already told you, Dave "the rat" Gravel will be your new city council president.

The mayor's boy, Hochman, will be sworn in as a new face on the School Committee as will Thomas Rossignall. Hopefully Mr. Rossignall will be another voice for the kids and a strong education system, leaving behind the political side of the position.

Thanks all around!

People tend to say that this/these blogs generally focus on the negative issues that may affect our once great city. Well I guess it is time to travel outside that circle of negativity for a bit. In today's Salem Evening News an editorial was published by a gentleman that has a lot of people to be thankful for. Click HERE to view the article. My first thought was "is he speaking about Peabody MA?" Hope everyone is staying roasty toasty during this winter burst!