Friday, May 14, 2010

The "Medical Hub of the North Shore"?

Wow, looks like Councilor Bettencourt is really moving forward with his vision for change and re-vitalization of the downtown!  By way of power-point presentation last Tuesday night at a re-zoning meeting Bettencourt explained his thoughts of trying to make Downtown Peabody into the Medical Hub of the North Shore.  Totally taking all thunder away from City Council President David Gravel and his plan to float (no pun intended) thousands of new apartments and condos into the square.

With a bold presentation like this with well thought out planning this could be the next mayor of Peabody folks!  He easily convinced his colleagues to shutter all previous plans and focus on his plan.  This is the sign of a true leader folks, but I am a bit confused...

After speaking politics to many folks throughout the city recently I have been told that Councilor Bettencourt has been verbally telling everybody that he IS planning on running for the corner office in 2011!!  So why the "lip-service" to the local media, or is it just "lip-service" to the people he is telling about his candidacy?  I guess we won't know until Bonfanti and/or Gravel decide if they are going to run again.

You can read the article HERE

Until next Time, Let Freedom Ring!