Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hello Again!

Not too much going on here in the Dark City lately, so I do not want to bore you all with any insignificant postings.  The only thing that comes to mind to write a post on is the continued success of the Peabody West Williamsport team!  They have a game tonight in Norwood against West Newton.


Until something new pops!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

It's Joyce and Ted on The Twisted Tanner.

Signs are starting pop up all over Tanner City for the local state representative races which will take place this November!  A political new-comer will face off against Joyce Spiliotis for wards 1-5, his name is Martin Scafidi.  His signs and old broken down truck marred with spray paint in the Hannaford Parking lot have certainly caught the eye of local residents and tow trucks!  Spiliotis has recently been out and about getting her campaign signs propped up on people's lawns as well.  Not much of a race in my opinion, Joyce has always stepped up to the plate to represent her constituents very well and is well known for her constituent services.

The other race is between a well- known former Danvers selectman, Dan Bennett and Ted Speliotis whom is well known for his game show host face and advertised hours at the West Peabody branch library. Ted will certainly have to hold his ground in Danvers with this opponent and be very strong in Peabody.  This race will be a lot closer and could pose a re-count, I predict Ted will prevail due his incumbency.

I have placed 2 new polls to the right hand side of the blog, please feel free to let us know whom you support in these races and your reasoning/feedback is always appreciated!

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Rules?? What Rules???

I am often very embarrassed about issues that hit the local papers that reflect how incompetent our current elected officials are.  I happen to be the one and only person from Peabody where I am employed, and holy I hear it!  I happen to work in an environment with a few "ex-Peabody-ites" whom now reside in Salem and Beverly, so boy do they all let me have it!  Ya, we can sit here and talk about transvestites going to the bathroom and how the Anti-Education Mayor's brother will be soon sworn in as the person to replace the person that is going to replace...(STAY TUNED!) 

But all of that stuff is gonna happen and neither you nor I can stop it!  So let's talk about the complete embarrassment that happened at last week's City Council meeting... and that would be:


Those whom are not already aware; I watch closely what is going on at the meetings and in this case several members of the "Aggregate Neighbors" where there to both support their councilor and support their friends  on Samos Circle that have issues with the restaurant in question are also friends of mine!  So I have all of the details of what transpired that night and MANY of these folks are disgusted! So I strongly encourage any/all Peabody businesses to pay absolutely no attention to their special permits because apparently they do not apply!

Michael Garabedian whom has been coined here in the past as being "The dumbest man in Peabody" has once again out-done himself by totally shitting on the Peabody Police Department (in my opinion) by describing their efforts as "wondered why it took police three weeks to follow up on the March 6 incident and argued that there were no arrests, fights or other crimes committed and that the owners were under no obligation to violate the privacy of whoever made the reservation." As quoted in the Salem Evening News. Perhaps he is too stupid to realize that he just lost probably close to 500 votes?  Just an estimate.

James Liacos whom has been coined here many times as "The Grouch" left his fellow colleagues with: " uncomfortable with the council holding "show-cause hearings" to discuss special permit violations. He called it "tantamount to a public flogging."

"The idea that you drag someone through all of this is totally disgusting to me," he said. Another quote from the Salem Evening News.  So why have rules Jim? Do you not have the testicular fortitude to uphold the special permits that are passed down to the business owners?  Later in the evening councilor Liacos (and I use that title VERY LOOSELY) wanted to impose a violation on another property and used the possibility of a fire as reason for his concern!!!  Oh,  so having NEARLY 100 PEOPLE LOCKED IN A RESTAURANT WITH NO ACCESS IS NOT A FIRE HAZARD???  THE STATION NIGHT CLUB COMES TO MIND!  Jim, maybe you should brush up on your knowledge of fire department access and emergency exit access in public places before you make a complete ass of yourself next time! Should we mention the fact that the lights in the parking lot were all off too?  A real safe scenario!

Dave Gravel takes the time to listen to the owner's view of how he cleaned up the area with the new building and how he is working really hard.... yada yada yada!  But when one of the neighbors has a chance to talk she is told to stick to the violations at hand or she will be escorted out of the room by a police officer! I can spell O U C H for David Gravel whom has been coined here as "The Rat!" 

So...there you have it folks, a complete embarrassment and a large failure / mark against these previous mentioned folks as the 2011 election cycle nears! 

**Hope I didn't miss anything, Until Next Time!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

UNEMPLOYMENT, when is enough...ENOUGH?

I can not help but publish a post based on the 10:00 FOX 25 NEWS tonight!  As always, I am looking for your feedback...

UNEMPLOYMENT in the U.S. and more specifically in MA.  Several people came on to tell how they have been out of work and receiving unemployment benefits for 2 years or more!  That is right, 2 years or more! Just the other day I noticed signs in more than one local supermarket looking for help, as well as a local CVS, are these "unemployed people" too proud to collect carriages, bag groceries, or slice deli meats to put food on their own family"s table without bankrupting the whole freakin' United States?

Now we are waiting for the congress's next meeting to make yet another extension to these people!  It all makes me sick, I say stop the madness!  Make it a 3 month maximum benefit and stop payments immediately, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!  I bet they'd find jobs real quick if that was the case, wouldn't they!  Did you all see all of those bright shiny fireworks exploding over your houses Sunday night?  Yet they all blame it on "THE ECONOMY!"  Apparently they can all afford to light off fireworks to help celebrate their free income!

Until Next Time, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Your Poll Results

An overwhelming amount of support for the need to have better schools over lower taxes, but like I have said in the past "Add those bus fees and user fees to your current tax rate and you could be living in a colonial in Middleton in a nice new culdesac with a better school system for the same rate!"  But let's take a look at the other poll...Hell this is why our school system has crumbled at it's foundation!!  Since the swearing in of Mayor Bonfanti MCAS has dropped, the curriculum has been lost, found, and changed more than a 1 year old's diaper, the school buildings themselves get little or NO attention, and the staffing of the schools have been depleted.  Hence the outcome of the approval rating VERY NEGATIVE!

Perhaps enrollment has dropped due to the lack of great leadership and the ability to run a great public school system!  Enrollment is down because the word is out that Peabody no-longer takes steps to improve it's School system, they take steps to run it lean!  Before you know it, it will be gone!

Until Next Time, Have a great 4th of July!