Blogging on local politics may still be a trend in progress. Back in 1775 Minutemen from all over eastern Massachusetts picked up their muskets, answered the alarm and the greatest country on Earth was born. I seek a similar revolution with this blog, The only difference is that our keyboards serve as our muskets. So, if you believe in free speech and holding our politicians accountable, I invite you to answer the alarm in the city of Peabody. I can be reached at
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
PEABODY taken to court
Much has been said over recent months about these huge, bright, readerboard signs that plague a couple of the busiest intersections in Peabody. Inspector Goggin has even gone as far as to tell them that they have to remove them! Well, apparently there is some gray area with-in the "Peabody Rule Book"! Go Figure....
Looks to me that these signs will be staying, EVERY ONE OF THEM! And perhaps now is the time to take a look at the "City Handbook" and see what else needs to be revised before more taxpayer's dollars are used to fund another lawsuit! HERE is the story.