Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Much to do about nothing...

For the past several weeks I have been hearing a lot about Tom Zellen stepping down from his post at the Electric Light Dept.!  WHO CARES!!  What do they actually do to earn their $4000.00 and cushy benefit packages as electric light commissioners anyways?  Is it the 9 two hour meetings they attend?  Yup, that must be it.  So the buzz is that Mr. Zellen might actually have already been slotted for another salaried position inside the four walls of City Hall!! How ya like them apples?  But, hey..let's wait this thing out and see if you (once again) heard it here first.

The other piece of this puzzle is, of course his replacement!  Well of course one option would have to be Mayor Bonfanti's brother Charlie, but then there is another candidate by the name of John Goulos whom name is being spread throughout the dark city as an option.  We know that Charlie B will not get the support of any of the current sitting light commissioners, but will Goulos have enough support from the members of the City Council that will also have to vote on this appointment?  This one should go down to the wire folks, let's be sure to notice whom is supporting Goulos, we already know whom will be backing Bonfanti!

Take the new poll!  Until Next Time,