Monday, February 28, 2011

Cutting some Zzzzzzzzzzzz's at the Snooze!

Wow, it looks like the Salem Evening News' Internet traffic has come to a sudden halt! Many are fuming over the paper's latest decision to eliminate anonymous commentators from making comments, a freedom of speech issue if you ask me!  Heck...if someone really wanted to track down the anonymous commentator they could just simply track their address; that is, if they broke the law?!

Well, anyways...still business as usual here at the Tanner, where freedom reigns supreme!

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!

Friday, February 11, 2011


An article written in the Salem Evening News yesterday "so eloquently" announced the new projected cost of this "Mega-voc" at between 12 and 13 Million dollars.  Peabody being hit the hardest of all other towns/cities participating because of it's anticipated enrollment numbers.  Call me crazy, but I would have liked to see the 12 Million go into our own Vocational School program!  But I guess this is just one of those issues that will be a thorn left behind by the Bonfanti Administration, oh...and by the way, that 12-13 Million dollar estimate will more than likely rise as the projected building costs rise!!

Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!