Recently the City of Peabody offered open enrollment to all surrounding cities and towns to enter our "elite?" Public School System. They have had this "Open Invitation" up for nearly 2 months! We have just recently gotten the astounding responses!!
That is not a typo! ZERO!!!!
Does that not tell you something? When Torigian was mayor neighboring cities and town were knocking down our doors to bring their kids here! Somewhere in the past 10 years we lost the whole freakin' thing! Hopefully the next mayor will pay more attention to the FUTURE of Peabody and actually purchase enough books and supplies for the kids we have! Bus and user fees just add to taxes. If I wanted to live in Lynnfield I would have just bought a house there!
We don't have enough books or gas money for the kids in PEABODY!
Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!