A lot has to be said about the negotiating skills of our current mayor! I did not think that it would possible to publicly show the people of Peabody how he can negotiate a higher rate for a company's services, while receiving less service! Well once again this nitwit blows my mind, this new trash contract is giving the residents of Peabody a royal screwin' while he moves toward retirement with his cushy pension.
Just last week I witnessed 2 different homeowners chasing a trash truck down the street with bags of trash in their hands! And now, I'm told that they won't pick up barrels if they are not the correct size!! If that wasn't bad enough, white goods stickers have also doubled in price!! Once again the backroom deals and secret handshakes cost us money and unneeded aggravation.
Before you know it he'll be raising property taxes again while valuations plummet, oh wait, he's done that 10 years in a row.
Until Next Time, Let Freedom Ring!