Thursday, December 3, 2009

OK...Let's talk Signs!

Does anyone out there in Blogland find it to be strikingly odd that there are multiple reader board signs throughout the city and only 3 of them have been targeted? This Peabody tax payer sees it to be strikingly odd that all 3 of those "big bad signs" are all with-in one mile of one another. Meanwhile, smack dab in the middle of all of these signs is the North Shore Bank on rt. 114 where Mikey's previous rubber stamp goon councilor works. NO MENTION ABOUT THAT BIG BAD READER BOARD SIGN! Oh, and then there is Sonic...

So what really pains me with this whole "Sign Mess" is that these people originally APPROVED these signs during the permit process. Now they are going to try to have them removed or "modified"? I think not, those signs should be allowed to stay as they are and if a new rule needs to be made about these types of signs then they should be "grandfathered" in. What do you think?