I'd like to wish everyone out there in the Peabody Blogosphere a happy and healthy new year. The way I look at things in the Peabody politics aspect ... it can't really get any worse! I have placed a new poll to the right of this post, please feel free to participate and use the comment section to tell us why!
Once Again, Happy New Year!
Blogging on local politics may still be a trend in progress. Back in 1775 Minutemen from all over eastern Massachusetts picked up their muskets, answered the alarm and the greatest country on Earth was born. I seek a similar revolution with this blog, The only difference is that our keyboards serve as our muskets. So, if you believe in free speech and holding our politicians accountable, I invite you to answer the alarm in the city of Peabody. I can be reached at twistedtanner@ymail.com
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
PEABODY taken to court
Much has been said over recent months about these huge, bright, readerboard signs that plague a couple of the busiest intersections in Peabody. Inspector Goggin has even gone as far as to tell them that they have to remove them! Well, apparently there is some gray area with-in the "Peabody Rule Book"! Go Figure....
Looks to me that these signs will be staying, EVERY ONE OF THEM! And perhaps now is the time to take a look at the "City Handbook" and see what else needs to be revised before more taxpayer's dollars are used to fund another lawsuit! HERE is the story.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Where Else, but PEABODY?
Finally playing a bit of "catch up" after the joyous Christmas Season and sifting through e-mails... Check this one out!
Dear TT,
I live in the Brooksby Farm area in ward 4, some years ago one of our neighbors took it upon himself to plant trees across our street dividing it in two. I live on Wheatland Street and have attached a photo for your blog, if it is not clear you could probably find a photo on line somewhere. On several occasions fire apparatus, ambulances, and police vehicles have been deterred and lost valuable time in reaching our neighborhood due to this inconvenience.
I have tried on several occasions to have this problem addressed, but to no avail. I have been reading the Peabody blogs for a couple of years now, I have never reached out for help until now.
OK Folks... you read the above article from a viewer, did you watch channel 7 news tonight? A local town can not get fire crews to a fire in time due to a similar situation!
Dear TT,
I live in the Brooksby Farm area in ward 4, some years ago one of our neighbors took it upon himself to plant trees across our street dividing it in two. I live on Wheatland Street and have attached a photo for your blog, if it is not clear you could probably find a photo on line somewhere. On several occasions fire apparatus, ambulances, and police vehicles have been deterred and lost valuable time in reaching our neighborhood due to this inconvenience.
I have tried on several occasions to have this problem addressed, but to no avail. I have been reading the Peabody blogs for a couple of years now, I have never reached out for help until now.
OK Folks... you read the above article from a viewer, did you watch channel 7 news tonight? A local town can not get fire crews to a fire in time due to a similar situation!
Forward Thinking! (a post from a viewer)
THE SALEM GAZETTE featured a story not too long ago...
It reports the record breaking sales for Salem business owners during the Halloween period. If only our city officials (Mayor, Community Development, Chamber of Commerce and City Council) could realize the potential for directing tourist traffic towards our Downtown Main Street instead of seeking every possible way to discourage tourist traffic from using our business area. The smallest bit of business savy from the afore-mentioned on the potential opportunity for our downtown restaurant merchants, museums, etc....would benefit immensely while raising funds via the new meals tax.
I've said it a hundred times before, our downtown business area could be the road to Disney World. Translation - cash laden tourists (who are more inclined to spend $$$ as evident by the article) heading for Salem need to go through Peabody first. Salem spends the money to attract the buyers and our city reaps the benefits. Ideally, we could work with Salem officials (now there's a novel idea) to make this a joint venture and we both win.
It reports the record breaking sales for Salem business owners during the Halloween period. If only our city officials (Mayor, Community Development, Chamber of Commerce and City Council) could realize the potential for directing tourist traffic towards our Downtown Main Street instead of seeking every possible way to discourage tourist traffic from using our business area. The smallest bit of business savy from the afore-mentioned on the potential opportunity for our downtown restaurant merchants, museums, etc....would benefit immensely while raising funds via the new meals tax.
I've said it a hundred times before, our downtown business area could be the road to Disney World. Translation - cash laden tourists (who are more inclined to spend $$$ as evident by the article) heading for Salem need to go through Peabody first. Salem spends the money to attract the buyers and our city reaps the benefits. Ideally, we could work with Salem officials (now there's a novel idea) to make this a joint venture and we both win.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Why the "DARK CITY"?
Doing some research today on a quiet day after the busy holiday and look what I found! I was a bit weary as to why Karen Sawyer would leave her post in Methuen to come to Peabody after hearing how wonderful a job she has done there, and hearing how valuable an asset she was... Did a quick google search and found that she had recently been forced to take a 10% cut in her salary, and that the people of Methuen seem to be as dis-pleased with her reign as "Director of Community Development" as the people of Peabody were with Mean Jean Delios!
You can read the story HERE! Be sure to read the comments at the Eagle Tribune associated with this story.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Your new City Council President
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls...the word on the street is that Dave "The Rat" Gravel will be your new City Council President. So what does this mean??
This means here comes the re-zoning plans, better known as the jamming of 4000 residential apartments into our struggling downtown, or as Mr. Bettencourt called them "Big Box Apartments" (that BTW he said he would not support). This also means that those cushy benefits for the 11 part-time employees may get re-vamped or maybe even be eliminated.
Anything Mayor McCheese wants, he will now get...served to him on a silver platter!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Double Dippin'
What started as merely a rumor at The Peabody Patriot has transpired into a point of FACT. Newly elected School Committee member Jarrod Hochman IS on the advisory board of the Road to Success Charter High School . TT sees this as a huge conflict of interest and grounds to have his newly won school committee seat stricken. Also an appointed member of the Peabody Conservation Commission, I wonder what else he has his paws in?
Well what do you think TT fans? Is this grounds for dismissal? Would this bring Niz back? Is this a blatant slap in the face to the people that showed up on November 3rd to cast a voter in his direction? I think so, how can you be working to fund and operate a charter school and work for a municiple public school system at the same time? When you get down to the nitty gritty aren't they [the schools] fighting for enrollment against one another? Let us all know what you think. HERE is Ole Nellie's tabloibic drivel.
Well what do you think TT fans? Is this grounds for dismissal? Would this bring Niz back? Is this a blatant slap in the face to the people that showed up on November 3rd to cast a voter in his direction? I think so, how can you be working to fund and operate a charter school and work for a municiple public school system at the same time? When you get down to the nitty gritty aren't they [the schools] fighting for enrollment against one another? Let us all know what you think. HERE is Ole Nellie's tabloibic drivel.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Over Development issues in Ward 1?
As requested, I have taken my "shut-in" ass out for a drive with my handy dandy camera. A Twisted Tanner viewer asked that I post a story about a new strip mall being built in her neighborhood on Lynnfield street. Above is a photo taken today, what are your thoughts on this project? I am also hearing that the run down building behind Craig's pond is going to be an apartment complex? thoughts?
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
TT Opinion
Dear Twisted Tanner,
I have been watching the Peabody blogs since I first heard of them a couple of years ago. I am a mother of two children in the school system and I was born and raised in Peabody. I convinced my husband that Peabody was a "great place" to live and raise a family, but lately I am not sure that I made the right decision for my family.
I would like to thank you for providing us Peabody-ites a place that allows us to voice our opinions on our elected officials leadership capabilities, as well as talk about Peabody issues. I have spoken to friends and family The Twisted Tanner is now their home page.
Thank you for re-awakening the internet blogging in Peabody, hopefully we can educate some folks and help them see the light to get rid of all of these brown-nose Peabody politicians. Our property taxes continue to rise while our services, public school system, and home values plummet. If you could, there is a new strip mall being built in my neighborhood on Lynnfield street. I would like to hear what your readers think of this type of development being squeezed into every available piece of land in Peabody.
Thank you,
Sonia ********
Starting a new contest is always an exciting task. If you have not already noticed, I have already made up a few "nicknames" for some of our illustrious elected officials. Now it is YOUR TURN !! Pictured above is one of your 11 city council members, I leave it entirely up to the viewing audience here at The Twisted Tanner to pick a "nickname" that most fits his leadership qualities. Game on!
Peabody Schools to be inspected/reviewed
State education officials are in the midst of conducting a comprehensive review of the city’s public schools, which is done every six years by the state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. This should be a very interesting process seeing that in the opinion of most, a few of the current schools should be condemned! You can read the story from the Weekly News HERE , they also offer contact info to the state in case you want to help them in their inspection.
President BARACK OBAMA was invited to address a major gathering of the American Indian Nation two weeks ago in upstate New York.
He spoke for almost an hour about his plans for increasing every Native American's present standard of living. He referred to his time as a U.S. Senator and how he had voted for every Native American issue that came to the floor of the Senate.
Although President Obama was vague about the details of his plans, he seemed most enthusiastic and spoke eloquently about his ideas for helping his "red sisters and brothers."
At the conclusion of his speech, the Tribes presented Obama with a plaque inscribed with his new Indian name, "Walking Eagle." The proud President then departed in his motorcade to a fundraiser, waving to the crowds.
A news reporter later asked the group of chiefs how they came to select the new name they had given to the President.
They explained that "Walking Eagle" is the name given to a bird so full of shit it can no longer fly.
He spoke for almost an hour about his plans for increasing every Native American's present standard of living. He referred to his time as a U.S. Senator and how he had voted for every Native American issue that came to the floor of the Senate.
Although President Obama was vague about the details of his plans, he seemed most enthusiastic and spoke eloquently about his ideas for helping his "red sisters and brothers."
At the conclusion of his speech, the Tribes presented Obama with a plaque inscribed with his new Indian name, "Walking Eagle." The proud President then departed in his motorcade to a fundraiser, waving to the crowds.
A news reporter later asked the group of chiefs how they came to select the new name they had given to the President.
They explained that "Walking Eagle" is the name given to a bird so full of shit it can no longer fly.
The biggest HIKE around!
They can all brag about Peabody having the lowest tax rate around, but for how much longer? These last two years of Mayor McCheese's tenure will prove to be a costly one, Our taxes are rising at a rate higher, MUCH HIGHER than other surrounding municipalities. A combined average tax rate of $262.00 will put much strain on homeowners and businesses due to the spending problems and irresponsible decisions being made by our hack leaders.
You can read the latest story on Peabody's dismal future HERE!
And HERE is a story by Nellieburger Burgermeister.
You can read the latest story on Peabody's dismal future HERE!
And HERE is a story by Nellieburger Burgermeister.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
An interesting e-mail I received today
Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law, St. Paul , Minnesota , points out some interesting facts concerning last November's Presidential election:
Number of States won by: Democrats: 19 Republicans: 29
Square miles of land won by: Democrats: 580,000 Republicans: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by: Democrats: 127 million, Republicans: 143 million Murder rate per 100,000
Number of States won by: Democrats: 19 Republicans: 29
Square miles of land won by: Democrats: 580,000 Republicans: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by: Democrats: 127 million, Republicans: 143 million Murder rate per 100,000
Residents in counties won by: Democrats: 13.2 Republicans: 2.1
Professor Olson adds: "In aggregate, the map of the territory Republicans won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country. Democrat territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low income tenements and living off various forms of government welfare..." Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the "complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase. If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders called illegals and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years. If you are in favor of this, then by all means, delete this message.
If you are not, then pass this along to help everyone realize just how much is at stake, knowing that apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom.
If you are not, then pass this along to help everyone realize just how much is at stake, knowing that apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom.
Peabody Firefighter Honored
Local firefighter, Stephen Pelegrini was honored for saving a 95 yr. old man's life while his car was sinking. Steve plunged into the 56 degree water with no regard for his own life to save this person in another town while off duty. You can read the story HERE
Monday, December 14, 2009
Do YOU agree?
The City of Peabody has recently lost yet another law suit. This one was in the paper over the weekend where a school teacher volunteers to chaperon a high school class on a ski trip. The teacher falls down and injures herself, the school claims no liability and loses having to repay lost wages. Here is the story from the Salem Evening News. My view is that she was "on the job" during this eventful trip and that she should be covered. What do you think? This IS NOT the first time this has happened.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Stick a fork in em'
With all but one sponsor left and an indefinite leave of absence from golf, it seems that the mighty Tiger (Eldridge Woods) has cast a shadow over the PGA. Another well known PGA professional states: "he has ruined the sport of golf", that may be a bit drastic in my opinion, to be honest...it may actually even out the fields a bit!
On a quick side note, I have removed the link to The Peabody Patriot blog. It appears that it has been removed by it's moderator and I do not wish to direct people to a non-existent site. If however it should come back I will certainly replace the link. I will hope that the owner of the domain name will point it to the other Peabody blogs to keep the entertainment alive. "Time for Change" you are always welcome and your input is appreciated! - Peace!
On a quick side note, I have removed the link to The Peabody Patriot blog. It appears that it has been removed by it's moderator and I do not wish to direct people to a non-existent site. If however it should come back I will certainly replace the link. I will hope that the owner of the domain name will point it to the other Peabody blogs to keep the entertainment alive. "Time for Change" you are always welcome and your input is appreciated! - Peace!
The Rat or the Ice Queen?
As the year nears it's end and "Sour-puss" resumes his chair on the city council, a new city council president will have to be chosen. This is a big decision with it being a non-election year. Sources close to TT say that Anne Manning will be the next City Council President, leading the way for Dave Gravel to hold the post next year.
My sources tell me that The Rat will more than likely be running for the corner office in 2011, and that being the City Council President at the time will enhance his chances of capturing the post.
Let the posturing begin!!
After glancing at today's local papers I have found a couple of items of interest...
School at the mall, apparently an alternative education program is being pledged to the School Committee from Simon properties. An alternative program would be housed at the North shore Mall free from rent, but what are the hidden agendas/costs involved in this? Nothing is free.
GLOUCESTER MAYOR VETOES CITY COUNCIL ON VOKE MERGER!! Hey finally a mayor with some smarts! She sites economic hard times, the uncertainty of future economics, the current hard times the city is having funding it's own services now, all as reasons for her veto. She also noted that the costs associated with this new mega voke are not set in stone.
Then we have the addition of newly appointed Karen Sawyer to our Community Development team. Karen's Parents were in the audience at Wiggin Auditorium last night ....Awww! Ward 3 obstructionist Rico Mello obviously thinks that we do not a Community Development director!! I'm sure she'll be anxious to get to work for him in his ward after first, voting against her existence, and then her tenure.
School at the mall, apparently an alternative education program is being pledged to the School Committee from Simon properties. An alternative program would be housed at the North shore Mall free from rent, but what are the hidden agendas/costs involved in this? Nothing is free.
GLOUCESTER MAYOR VETOES CITY COUNCIL ON VOKE MERGER!! Hey finally a mayor with some smarts! She sites economic hard times, the uncertainty of future economics, the current hard times the city is having funding it's own services now, all as reasons for her veto. She also noted that the costs associated with this new mega voke are not set in stone.
Then we have the addition of newly appointed Karen Sawyer to our Community Development team. Karen's Parents were in the audience at Wiggin Auditorium last night ....Awww! Ward 3 obstructionist Rico Mello obviously thinks that we do not a Community Development director!! I'm sure she'll be anxious to get to work for him in his ward after first, voting against her existence, and then her tenure.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Why Ted Bettencourt?
As I sit and watch the comments and suggestions funnel into the Twisted Tanner blog I often wonder what it is that makes people feel the way that they do. Many people participate here and even more stop by for a quick sneak peak to see what the discussion of the day is.
One consistant comment that seems to always pop up is "Ted Bettencourt for Mayor". I've posted a story about the possibility of Sean Fitzgerald filling the post, Dave Gravel, heck...I've even hinted that the "Queen of Mean" Anne Manning would be a possibility. But yet again, everyone on these internet blogs seem to want Ted Bettencourt.
Well here is your opportunity to shine. Your chance to be heard. Your time in the spotlight. Please, for the love of god tell us WHY! What is it about Mr. Bettencourt that makes him such a 'shoe-in' for the corner office? Now don't get me wrong, Ted is a great guy...but mayor?
I invite you all to participate and let us know.
UPDATED. You heard it here first!
Rumor has it that the ex-candidate for ward 6 Councilor has taken steps to retaliate at Raymond Forbes (President of PYGSL) for the "Letter of Support" for Incumbent ward 6 Councilor Barry Sinewitz that he sent to many families days before the election. Twisted Tanner's moles have found out that the AG's office has been notified by the Peabody Parks Dept. ,of which this ex-candidate is a board member, and that PYGSL as of right now does not have the rights to use any fields throughout the city during the 2010 season.
All this does is hurt the kids. Who are the adults here?
Looks like my newly aquired moles were correct. Apparently they only got the info on one of the multiple leagues throughout the city that do not have their papers in order. Well anyways... here is the local tabloid's drival on this story.
Rumor has it that the ex-candidate for ward 6 Councilor has taken steps to retaliate at Raymond Forbes (President of PYGSL) for the "Letter of Support" for Incumbent ward 6 Councilor Barry Sinewitz that he sent to many families days before the election. Twisted Tanner's moles have found out that the AG's office has been notified by the Peabody Parks Dept. ,of which this ex-candidate is a board member, and that PYGSL as of right now does not have the rights to use any fields throughout the city during the 2010 season.
All this does is hurt the kids. Who are the adults here?
Looks like my newly aquired moles were correct. Apparently they only got the info on one of the multiple leagues throughout the city that do not have their papers in order. Well anyways... here is the local tabloid's drival on this story.
Ladies and Gentlemen...CARLEEN EDDY
I would like to take the time to convey a message written in today's Salem Evening News. Please take a glance at the EDITORIAL written by Carleen Eddy. This seems to be the opinion of many, yet we continue to elect these tax and spend liberal rubberstampers.
New Hire...$$$$$$$$$
According to todays's Salem Evening News, Mayor McCheese has chosen a new Director of Community Development. Her name is Karen Sawyer and she is coming to us from Methuen MA. HERE is a direct link to the story.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Pearl Harbor Day- Remembering the day of infamy
On December 7th, 1941 at 03:42 hours Hawaiian time, Admiral Chuichi Nagumo ordered the aircraft to take off from the Japanese aircraft carrier to attack the United States fleet at the US Naval Station, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Five midget submarines had been sent to torpedo US ships after the air attack started. None of the Japanese midget submarines returned. The minesweeper USS Condor had spotted a midget submarine outside the Pearl Harbor entrance and alerted the USS Ward, a destroyer. Hours later, the USS Ward fired the first shots that began the Pacific Theater of World War II, when she attacked and sank a midget submarine, probably the same one that was spotted around 0600 hours on the morning of December 7th, 1941. Out of ten sailors aboard, only one survived, Kazuo Sakamaki, who became the first Japanese prisoner of war. One of the midget submarines that entered the harbor was able to fire a torpedo, which struck the USS West Virginia, and this may have been the first shot fired by the Japanese.
The first Japanese air wave began north of Oahu and was commanded by Captain Mitsuo Fuchida. The 1st Group target objective was battleships and aircraft carriers and was accompanied by two other groups of the first wave, the second group targeting Ford Island and Wheeler Field, and the 3rd Group consisting of 45 A6M Zeroes that began bombing and strafing Ford Island, Hickham Field, Wheeler Field, Barber’s Point, and Kaneohe. As the first wave approached, several US aircraft that had been flying on patrol were shot down, but at least one was able to pass the warning to headquarters. Ships were issuing warnings and distress calls, but Japanese planes had already begun bombing and strafing. The air part of the attack began at 0748 hours Hawaiian Time on Kaneohe. A total of 361 planes attacked in two waves. The first were the slow-flying torpedo bombers, using the surprise attack to initiate damage to battleships while dive bombers attacked US air bases to prevent planes scrambling to defend against the attacking Japanese. The only real air defense was a handful of P-36 Hawks and P-40 Warhawks that had been able to takeoff from airfields. Many service men fought bravely that day with 14 officers and sailors being awarded the Medal of Honor. Later, a special military award, the Pearl Harbor Commemorative Medal, was issued later for all military veterans of the attack. A third strike that was planned was not initiated which was beneficial to the United States because the targets were vital dockyards, maintenance shops and oil depots. In addition the submarine stations were virtually untouched and this allowed the US to undertake its operation of destroying ships of the Japanese fleet. It was fortunate that a fleet was out on maneuvers that day and was not in the harbor – otherwise it was possible the whole fleet could have been destroyed. The damage/casualties sustained that day:
2 battleships sunk, 6 damaged3 cruisers damaged2 destroyers sunk, 1 damaged1 other ship sunk, 3 damaged188 aircraft destroyed, 155 damaged2,345 military killed, 57 civilians killed1,247 military wounded, 35 civilians wounded.
The first Japanese air wave began north of Oahu and was commanded by Captain Mitsuo Fuchida. The 1st Group target objective was battleships and aircraft carriers and was accompanied by two other groups of the first wave, the second group targeting Ford Island and Wheeler Field, and the 3rd Group consisting of 45 A6M Zeroes that began bombing and strafing Ford Island, Hickham Field, Wheeler Field, Barber’s Point, and Kaneohe. As the first wave approached, several US aircraft that had been flying on patrol were shot down, but at least one was able to pass the warning to headquarters. Ships were issuing warnings and distress calls, but Japanese planes had already begun bombing and strafing. The air part of the attack began at 0748 hours Hawaiian Time on Kaneohe. A total of 361 planes attacked in two waves. The first were the slow-flying torpedo bombers, using the surprise attack to initiate damage to battleships while dive bombers attacked US air bases to prevent planes scrambling to defend against the attacking Japanese. The only real air defense was a handful of P-36 Hawks and P-40 Warhawks that had been able to takeoff from airfields. Many service men fought bravely that day with 14 officers and sailors being awarded the Medal of Honor. Later, a special military award, the Pearl Harbor Commemorative Medal, was issued later for all military veterans of the attack. A third strike that was planned was not initiated which was beneficial to the United States because the targets were vital dockyards, maintenance shops and oil depots. In addition the submarine stations were virtually untouched and this allowed the US to undertake its operation of destroying ships of the Japanese fleet. It was fortunate that a fleet was out on maneuvers that day and was not in the harbor – otherwise it was possible the whole fleet could have been destroyed. The damage/casualties sustained that day:
2 battleships sunk, 6 damaged3 cruisers damaged2 destroyers sunk, 1 damaged1 other ship sunk, 3 damaged188 aircraft destroyed, 155 damaged2,345 military killed, 57 civilians killed1,247 military wounded, 35 civilians wounded.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Hoping for a new Councilor...
Ward 5 is plagued with empty businesses up and down both sides of rt 1. Lots of land that have been made into reflect such images as the Afgan mountains. All approved by the #1 clown in charge of that said ward, Dave Gamache. Read the STORY published in today's Boston Globe North section and see who all of the players are. Specifically the names of the "big city" lawyers. Sure...much can be blamed on the economy, but bad decisions by our elected officials to allow these plans without some consequential conditions if they should rescind should have been put into place and could have made this less painful.
It's called "think about today and don't worry about tomorrow until it gets here" politics in Peabody.
It's called "think about today and don't worry about tomorrow until it gets here" politics in Peabody.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Yup, it's a double whammy folks! We hot hit twice last night from the Wiggin Auditorium with the raising of our property taxes and then the implimentation of the hotel/meals tax. You can all thank Dave "The Rat" Gravel's strong leadership skills for railing against the tax rate, wanting to put extra burden on the homeowner and make it easier for businesses such as his to operate in Peabody. Then...he votes in a meals/hotels tax, is that becaase his business does not sell food or rent rooms? You can read the story HERE
Thursday, December 3, 2009
OK...Let's talk Signs!
Does anyone out there in Blogland find it to be strikingly odd that there are multiple reader board signs throughout the city and only 3 of them have been targeted? This Peabody tax payer sees it to be strikingly odd that all 3 of those "big bad signs" are all with-in one mile of one another. Meanwhile, smack dab in the middle of all of these signs is the North Shore Bank on rt. 114 where Mikey's previous rubber stamp goon councilor works. NO MENTION ABOUT THAT BIG BAD READER BOARD SIGN! Oh, and then there is Sonic...
So what really pains me with this whole "Sign Mess" is that these people originally APPROVED these signs during the permit process. Now they are going to try to have them removed or "modified"? I think not, those signs should be allowed to stay as they are and if a new rule needs to be made about these types of signs then they should be "grandfathered" in. What do you think?
So what really pains me with this whole "Sign Mess" is that these people originally APPROVED these signs during the permit process. Now they are going to try to have them removed or "modified"? I think not, those signs should be allowed to stay as they are and if a new rule needs to be made about these types of signs then they should be "grandfathered" in. What do you think?
Another Scud Missle from the Corner Office
Many attempts have been made by the corner office to dismantle the image of our strongest school committee person over the past years. None can be any more obvious than the "Our View" story posted in today's Salem Evening News! Nobody can deny the fact that Beverley Griffin Dunne is 100% committed to her position on the school committee. Nobody can deny the fact that she has well thought out reasons to back up her votes. Nobody can deny the fact that she truly cares about the education of our children.
After reading THIS ARTICLE nobody can deny that the Salem News is in the back pocket of Bonfanti.
After reading THIS ARTICLE nobody can deny that the Salem News is in the back pocket of Bonfanti.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Apparently the rumors that continually thrust them self about here in the dark city will all eventually come true. Rumors that our city of "Pee"body needs stronger, more efficient leadership couldn't be any more evident when you read today's story in the Salem News in regards to Salem's recent contract negotiations with their police patrolmen.
In a nutshell...
"Pee"body: Gave a 14% increase over 3 years plus an additional/questionable 9/11 holiday to get back 5% in health care costs and pee in a cup!
Salem: Gave a 6% increase over 3 years and their patrolmen are now paying 25% of their health care cost.
In a nutshell...
"Pee"body: Gave a 14% increase over 3 years plus an additional/questionable 9/11 holiday to get back 5% in health care costs and pee in a cup!
Salem: Gave a 6% increase over 3 years and their patrolmen are now paying 25% of their health care cost.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Who do ya like?
With just about a week to go, let us all know whom you think will fit the bill to replace the late Ted Kennedy. I have positioned a quick poll to the right hand side of the Twisted Tanner for your participation. You can visit all of candidate's websites by clicking the links below.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Mayor ENDORSES Meals Tax
The ICE QUEEN Cometh!
Well ladies and gents, the election process has taken it's course and Anne "The Ice Queen" Manning has gotten her wishes! First she was re-elected, now she will get to force that $800,000.00 optional meals tax that she brought up before the election down our throats! That's right folks, open up wide or bend over, which ever floats your boat, it is on the agenda for this week's meeting!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
I would personally like to thank you all for allowing me into the Peabody Blogworld and patricipating here at The Twisted Tanner! Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Jimmy "The Grouch" Liacos
A few comments have arisen lately regarding Jimmy "The Grouch" Liacos' vote on the Voke Merger. Even better, how about his future vote to accept the 9+ million dollar bond? What are your thoughts? Should he, being an employee at the school, be able to cast a vote being a sitting elected city official?
Friday, November 20, 2009
As another blogger has recently stated, "do not ever think that your one vote does not matter!" The actual preliminary count was 1149 to 1150 declaring "Sleepy" Driscoll the victor. Tomorrow (soon to be today) will tell. As a side note, we are hearing here at TT headquarters that a previous candidate in ward 5 may once again step forth to try and de-throne the current ward 5 dictator.
Ward 5 needs some love and this individual can make some great things happen. So let's keep our eyes peeled and our thoughts positive as we proceed, 2011 will be here before you know it!
Have friends or family in N. Reading?
The rumor appears to be true! Click on the link the I have provided HERE and you will see that our previous DPW director is now working in N. Reading! Apparently they haven't been informed of any of Peabody's past problems while tricky Dicky was at the helm. Perhaps they should pick up the phone and call the DEP!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
VOKE merger passes.
Did you really think that this was NOT going to pass? I would first like to thank "FACTS JACK!" for posting comments in this thread that sparked the attendence of a well respected elected official, Beverley Griffin. With her help we were able to educate some folks at the last minute as to why this in our opinion was not a good decision. It then led to posting on The Patriot blog...
Before we all go praising "Teflon Ted" as OG now calls Bettencourt, we must all first realize that the writing was already on the wall for this vote to pass. If you all do not think that these elected officials do not discuss these issues before the meetings take place then I have a nice deep lake in ward 6 I'd like to sell ya. "Toilet paper Ted" already knew that his vote would not matter, so this was nothing more than a popularity vote. "Sourpuss Sinewitz" and the "Grand pubah" Mello continue to try and make fiscally responsible decisions.
This still needs bond approval by a majority vote I believe, so this could not yet be over? We'll see?
Before we all go praising "Teflon Ted" as OG now calls Bettencourt, we must all first realize that the writing was already on the wall for this vote to pass. If you all do not think that these elected officials do not discuss these issues before the meetings take place then I have a nice deep lake in ward 6 I'd like to sell ya. "Toilet paper Ted" already knew that his vote would not matter, so this was nothing more than a popularity vote. "Sourpuss Sinewitz" and the "Grand pubah" Mello continue to try and make fiscally responsible decisions.
This still needs bond approval by a majority vote I believe, so this could not yet be over? We'll see?
You can read the latest story HERE
What are they thinking?
Ok, so out of 22 applicants for the school business manager's position, the SC (the city of Peabody collectively) has made a decision after only interviewing 2 of the candidates? Is that a good business strategy? Maybe they should have gone to better business school with Dave "The Rat" Gravel, or had his company come in and do the interviewing for us?
Are these people out of their minds? Here are his perks too... The new business manager gets 20 vacation days, 15 sick days and five bereavement days each year, according to the contract submitted to the School Committee. I hope that the lack luster city council hammers this position into the ground! Wasn't it in fact Bettencourt AND Gravel that both committed to trying to eliminate duplicative services? Are you telling me that someone in city hall making 60k couldn't be the "School Business Manager"!! Ah...read what Marblehead did...CONSOLIDATION OF TOWN DEPTS!!! Let's see how Bettencourt and Gravel eat crow on this one!
A BIG waste of dough! What I want to kow is the relationship he (Keniston) has with McGeney?
Are these people out of their minds? Here are his perks too... The new business manager gets 20 vacation days, 15 sick days and five bereavement days each year, according to the contract submitted to the School Committee. I hope that the lack luster city council hammers this position into the ground! Wasn't it in fact Bettencourt AND Gravel that both committed to trying to eliminate duplicative services? Are you telling me that someone in city hall making 60k couldn't be the "School Business Manager"!! Ah...read what Marblehead did...CONSOLIDATION OF TOWN DEPTS!!! Let's see how Bettencourt and Gravel eat crow on this one!
A BIG waste of dough! What I want to kow is the relationship he (Keniston) has with McGeney?
Monday, November 16, 2009
New Ward 4 Councilor?
Saturday will be the day that determines the outcome of the ward 4 council race. Just 1 vote separated a long-term incumbent and someone we never heard of until 5 months ago. The lawyers for both candidates are ready and the ballots are under lock and key. Either candidate could pick up votes and most likely will, on the other hand both candidates could also lose votes. Let's hope for the future of Peabody that Grayson emerges the victor! HERE is your latest on this race.
This comment was directed at an anonymous comment...
I can't understand how your of the opinion Sean Fitzgerald is a tool and clown wannabe. Here is a man who left Peabody well educated in politics and able to stay free of bad political influences that have been well known in Peabody. Did you give thought to this or do you know some thing no one else knows about his public life and standings, if so speak up now or shut up? - Just to let you know I lived in Peabody for 58 years and never encountered in any way Sean Fitzgerald . I never met him prior to his coming to Plaistow but knew of his public life having read the papers,etc.by following Peabody's politics very closely. Could it be your another festering boil on the back side of humanity? I ask that only because you may have been one of those I had to deal with while in a blue uniform . I do expect some critical response from you and others of your caliber having worked for some 25 years in Peabody as a police officer who came very close to exposing other pols and civilians of political "incorrectness" . When they say politics are a dirty game in Peabody those who say that are more than assumptive ,there more right than they realize. Don't get me wrong ,I'm not saying all in Peabody politics, past to present, are bad but I am saying its people like you who bitch and then do nothing to "cure" the bad things of your concerns. You probably haven't voted in the election[s] but are willing to cast unfair accusations on someone like Fitzgerald . As I see it Fitzgerald left Peabody because of its questionable politics because he is honest. If he were to run for office in Peabody at a later time its because he has the backing of those who want change and know he is honest and sincere. If by now you don't know who I am I'll tell you openly that I'm Harry Birmingham. If I'm capable of telling you who I am I see no reason why you cant do the same for all to see and respond to.
I can't understand how your of the opinion Sean Fitzgerald is a tool and clown wannabe. Here is a man who left Peabody well educated in politics and able to stay free of bad political influences that have been well known in Peabody. Did you give thought to this or do you know some thing no one else knows about his public life and standings, if so speak up now or shut up? - Just to let you know I lived in Peabody for 58 years and never encountered in any way Sean Fitzgerald . I never met him prior to his coming to Plaistow but knew of his public life having read the papers,etc.by following Peabody's politics very closely. Could it be your another festering boil on the back side of humanity? I ask that only because you may have been one of those I had to deal with while in a blue uniform . I do expect some critical response from you and others of your caliber having worked for some 25 years in Peabody as a police officer who came very close to exposing other pols and civilians of political "incorrectness" . When they say politics are a dirty game in Peabody those who say that are more than assumptive ,there more right than they realize. Don't get me wrong ,I'm not saying all in Peabody politics, past to present, are bad but I am saying its people like you who bitch and then do nothing to "cure" the bad things of your concerns. You probably haven't voted in the election[s] but are willing to cast unfair accusations on someone like Fitzgerald . As I see it Fitzgerald left Peabody because of its questionable politics because he is honest. If he were to run for office in Peabody at a later time its because he has the backing of those who want change and know he is honest and sincere. If by now you don't know who I am I'll tell you openly that I'm Harry Birmingham. If I'm capable of telling you who I am I see no reason why you cant do the same for all to see and respond to.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Shennanigans with the closure proposals?
My moles have recently informed me of some possible "side-dealings" going on between a certain city councilor and Aggregate Industries. If you do not already know, Aggregate Industries has been put under a microscope the past 2 years by ward 6 councilor "Sour-Puss" Sinewitz. To satisfy special permits, they have been obligated to present several "closing plan" options to the City of Peabody.
Well, my peeps tell me that ward 5 Councilor David Gamache has been paying particularly close attention to this so-called "closure plan" and the proceedings associated with it. Now...at the present time, this is nothing more than speculation or rumor, but I am hearing that 2 out of the 3 plans involve removing the asphalt plant off of the property and that Gamache already has plans for it's location! A certain trucking company located on Farm Ave. would be one of the locations, and the former site of The Carraige House would be the other.
It will certainly be interesting to see how this whole thing plays out! Just remember this...you got it HERE FIRST!
Well, my peeps tell me that ward 5 Councilor David Gamache has been paying particularly close attention to this so-called "closure plan" and the proceedings associated with it. Now...at the present time, this is nothing more than speculation or rumor, but I am hearing that 2 out of the 3 plans involve removing the asphalt plant off of the property and that Gamache already has plans for it's location! A certain trucking company located on Farm Ave. would be one of the locations, and the former site of The Carraige House would be the other.
It will certainly be interesting to see how this whole thing plays out! Just remember this...you got it HERE FIRST!
Problem solved? Not likely
No news in the local tabloids this morning, so I figured that I would venture out on a trek of Spring pond and it's lagoons...etc. What I observed was a bit dis-heartening. Both of the lagoons were full of water, from what I understand only one should be wet at a time. I also followed the stream down the hill and noticed multiple areas of ALUM deposits and rusty shades of water. There is an old broken/dismantled wooden structure (bridge?) about 20 feet or so away from lowwer Spring pond along the stream just before it empties into the pond, the smell there was not pleasant.
This was not my first trip to the contaminated area, and will not be my last. I am disappointed to see that better care has not been taken to correct the previous wrong-doings. And while we are here...what ever happened to the dredging of Crystal Lake? That seemed to quickly fall off of the map and out of the local papers!
This was not my first trip to the contaminated area, and will not be my last. I am disappointed to see that better care has not been taken to correct the previous wrong-doings. And while we are here...what ever happened to the dredging of Crystal Lake? That seemed to quickly fall off of the map and out of the local papers!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Grelish is "just thinking" again...
Approval for merger by School Committee
Beverley cast the one and only vote against this lop-sided proposal. I admire her for her willingness to speak her mind and stick up for what she thinks is right. She spoke for nearly an hour. I guess we will now have to leave it up to the city council to shoot down this monstrosity of spending.
At this point we'll have to leave it up to "Sour-puss" Sinewitz and the "Dueling Obstructionists" Athas and Mello. I feel that unfortunately this one will end up 8-3 again. You can read the article by clicking Here.
Belton Nenton also did an Our View story that you can read by clicking Here
At this point we'll have to leave it up to "Sour-puss" Sinewitz and the "Dueling Obstructionists" Athas and Mello. I feel that unfortunately this one will end up 8-3 again. You can read the article by clicking Here.
Belton Nenton also did an Our View story that you can read by clicking Here
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Get Ready,HERE WE GO....
Peabody's next MAYOR?
According to my moles, the latest word from Podunk NH. is that we may indeed see Fitzy back in 01960 in 2 years for a run for mayor. Do any of you out there in the Blogosphere think that he has a chance? I think he may! Other rumors circulating locally hint that Edward "I don't have an opinion" Bettencourt and Dave "The Rat" Gravel will be seeking the same seat. I've even been told that Anne "The Ice Queen" Manning may be looking towards the corner office?
Of the four mentioned above, whom do you think can pull it off?
Of the four mentioned above, whom do you think can pull it off?
YMCA named after a real leader TORIGIAN
Well it's been a while since we've had real leadership here in Peabody, and I guess that is why every new project seems to end up with his name on it! I can't remember how long his coattails were back when he was delivering my mail as a child, but apparently they were pretty long...Bonfanti has been riding on them for 8 long years now!!! Click HERE to read the story.
What ever happened to "Two Terms", I guess he couldn't completely ruin the city in that short time frame.
What ever happened to "Two Terms", I guess he couldn't completely ruin the city in that short time frame.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Vocational merger a bad idea
Our illustrious leaders need to take a better look at the big picture in regards to this "Mega Vocational School" merger.
1. 9.4 Million dollars to join, what will 9.4 million dollars do to increase the educational soundness of our own vocational school?
2. Peabody is allotted for 235 potential seats/students, meanwhile there are well over 300 that are "full-time" voke students and hundreds more that take classes as electives. What happens to those students?
3. 9.4 Million dollar bond! Are we really ready to bond for more than we have in our "rainy day fund?"
4. Since the school is being built outside of the city's boundaries, any tax write-offs for the 9.4 Million dollars that we will be contributing?
5. And probably the most important, our cost is 9.4 Million dollars IF all other towns sign on. IF they do not, our cost will go up!
I am sure that there are many other issues/questions associated with this proposal, perhaps our istute school committee members can chime in? We cut 1.5 million dollars in our own public school system last year and laid off teachers,paras,guidance counselors, monitors, special ed teachers....etc. NOW WE ARE LOOKING AT THIS? The hell with the rest of the kids, I guess?
You can read the Weekly News' recent report by clicking HERE
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